A sequel to the aove Dracula script, focusing on the one surviving character from the previous story: Lucy, Dracula's vampire bride, and her adventures in 1940s Occupied France.
Follow the adventures of Mark Jacobs, agent for the PHA, a secret government organization dedicated to eliminating vampires and other preternatural threats.
Follow the adventures of Cabot and Stella, two treasure hunting explorer/historians who are about to get mixed up in a tale of fantasy creatures and horrific delights:
A as creativie writing lark we take a little time to imagine that the full-color spectrum of the DC Comics "Lantern Corps" was applied to Golden Age-style characters, and what those "Skittle Lanterns" would have looked like.
On Writing Comedy: We take a look at what works, and what doesn't, in comedy scripts to try and think about how to write a funny script that actually is funny.