Contact the Asteroid G Staff

For All Your Asteroid G Needs

Looking to contact the staff of Asteroid G? Interested in something we've written, or want to share your thoughts? Maybe have an article you've written that you'd like to contribute?

Well, contacting us is easy. You can email us with any questions, comments, thoughts, or concerns at We welcome all changes or content ideas you may have.

Contact us, share your thoughts, and help make Asteroid G even better than it was before.

Submitting Articles

If you're interested in contributing an article to the site, we welcome it. Please bear in mind that we don't post everything contributed, and even if we do accept your article, we may (and likely will) edit it to put a bit of spit-and-polish on the idea and massage the language to match our current editorial standards (as lackluster as they may be).

Also note that Asteroid G is a free collective of ideas and articles. We don't host any advertising on our site and make no money from what we post. If you contribute an article and we post it, do know that you won't get any compensation for it beyond us listing your byline on the posted page. For legal reasons we also have to claim full ownership of any posted non-fiction content.

Finally, if we find out that any submitted content is plagiarized (stolen from other writers in any way), we will promptly remove the article and reject any further works from the offending contributor.

If you're cool with those requirements, feel free to contact us ( and become a part of Asteroid G.

Topics Allowed

Asteroid G accepts all nerdy topics. Whatever ideas thrill you, that you can discuss with any amount of "nerdtastic authority" is allowed. While we don't normally discuss sports here on the site, there's no doubt that sports can be discussed with a certain nerdy flair. If you want to discuss it, go for it.