Season 1:
#1: Star Trek,
#2: Star Wars,
#3: The Legend of Zelda,
#4: Mission: Impossible,
Outtake Party!,
#5: DCEU vs. MCU,
#6: Jurassic Park,
#7: Mega Man,
#8: Metroid,
#9: Square-Enix,
#10: Spider-Man,
#11: Borderlands,
#12: Giant Mechs,
#13: The Terminator,
Outtake Fiesta!,
#14: Bioware,
#15: Shooters (and ID Software),
#16: Blizzard Entertainment,
#17: Ghostbusters,
Outtake Shindig!,
#18: Captain Marvel,
#19: Fast Food,
#20: Back to the Future,
#21: Kevin Smith,
Outtake Hootenanny!,
#22: Star Wars Ep II,
#23: X-Men,
#24: Westerns,
#25: Joss Wheddon,
Outtake Gala!,
Interview: Sawneyrath11,
Interview: Caleb,
Interview: Thilenios,
Interview: Tyerenex
Season 2:
#26: Spider-man Ep II,
#27: Stranger Things,
#28: Netflix,
Outtake Banquet!,
#29: Game of Thrones,
#30: Doctor Who,
#31: Musicals,
#32: Aliens vs. Predator,
Outtake Blowout!,
#33: Princess Bride,
#34: Planet of the Apes,
#35: X-Men,
#36: Batman,
Outtake Soiree!,
#37: Space Westerns,
#38: Fairy Tales,
#39: Z-Grade Superheroes,
#40: Sitcoms,
Outtake Social!,
#41: Holidays,
#42: Die Hard,
#43: MCU B-List,
#44: Disney Princesses,
Outtake Diversion!,
#45: Star Wars Ep III,
#46: Ghostbusters II,
#47: Hunger Games,
#48: TMNT,
#49: Conspiracy Theories,
#50: Twitch,
Interview: Greggly_puff,
Interview: Guda632
Season 3:
Nerd News: Coronavirus,
Watch Party: Evolution (2001),
Reboot Pitches: Murder, She Wrote,
Overview: Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
Interview: WillBloodworth,
Watch Party: Clue (1985),
Nerd News: Coronavirus II,
Interview: MoistMogwai,
Overview: Watchmen,
Reboot Pitches: Terminator,
Overview: Rhythm Games,
Nerd News: Protests and Coronavirus,
Watch Party: Stripes (1981),
Season 3 Outtakes, Part 1,
Nerd News: Coronavirus IV,
Love it or Hate It: Batman v Superman,
Overview: Battlestar Galactica,
Reboot Pitches: Alien & Aliens,
Overview: Community,
Watch Party: Supernatural,
Nerd News: Politics and the DNC,
Reboot Pitches: The Last Airbender,
Nerd News: Wakanda Forever,
Love it or Hate It: Hamilton,
Watch Party: The Old Guard,
Overview: The Good Place,
Reboot Pitches: Knight Rider,
Love it or Hate It: Alien 3,
Nerd News: The Death Knell of Theaters,
Love it or Hate It: Back to the Future 2,
Interview: MsMetroid,
Reboot Pitches: Universal Monsters,
Overview: The Wire,
Nerd News: Election 2020,
Season 3 Outtakes, Part 2,
Reboot Pitches: Escape from New York,
Watch Party: National Treasure,
Overview: The Karate Kid,
Reboot Pitches: Holiday Films,
Overview: The Boys,
Reboot Pitches: The Goonies,
Interview: Trinton,
Overview: Politics and Apocalypse,
Nerd News: Post-Inauguration Bliss,
2021 Asteroid G Awards,
Season 3 Outtakes, Part 3
Season 4:
Love it or Hate It: Mulan,
Love it or Hate It: Wonder Woman '84,
Nerd News: Zack Snyder's Id,
Reboot Pitches: Asteroid G's Justice League,
Watch Party: Disney's Hercules,
Nerd News: An Adult in the White House,
Watch Party: Clerks Animated,
Season 4 Outtakes, Part 1,
Love it or Hate It: Aladdin 2019,
Reboot Pitches: Predator,
Watch Party: Clerks Pilot,
Reboot Pitches: Disney Princesses,
Nerd News: Witcher Switcher Watcher Woo,
Watch Party: Mortal Kombat!,
Nerd News: TSR Fail,
Watch Party: Replicas,
Overview: Jack Ryan,
Watch Party: Invincible, Season 1,
Celebrity Profile: Chris Pratt,
Nerd News: Suns Out Gunns Out,
Overview: Saved by the M.A.S.H.,
Reboot: Doctor Who, Where Are You?,
Celebrity Profile: Peter Dinklage,
Nerd News: The Wheel Spins Round Again,
Celebrity Profile: Tom Holland,
Season 4 Outtakes, Part 2,
Reboot: Enter the Stargate,
Celebrity Profile: Hayley Atwell,
Marvel Cinematic Universe, Casting Call 1980s,
Nerd News: Black Widow Wins,
Reboot: Movies to Games,
Nerd News: The TRUTH Is Out There,
Celebrity Profile: Breckin Meyer,
Reboot: Rebooting Into the Mainframe,
Overview: Boldly Going Back,
Watch Party: Total Recall,
The Thin Man Casting Call,
Nerd News: Spider-man Conquers All,
Watch Party: The Witcher... of Time,
Interview: Will Bloodworth II,
Overview: Castlevania,
Season 4 Outtakes, Part 3,
Overview: Super Mario Series
Season 5:
#1: All Your Spider-mans Are Belong to Us,
#2: Who Will Win the Game of Yawns,
#3: Of Things That Get Stranger and Stranger,
#4: The Hunter and the Hunted,
#5: In Brightest Day...,
#6: The Rise of Homelander,
#7: Disney's Other Animation Studio,
#8: Off Like a Shot,
#9: The Marvelous Marvels that Marvel,
#10: The Original Five-Year Mission,
#11: That Annoying Family Next Door,
Interview: ADR,
Season 5 Outtakes, Part 1,
#12: The Warner Discovery Implosion,
#13: Too Creepy but Not Kooky Enough,
#14: Big and Green and On the Scene,
#15: J.K. Rowling's TERF War,
#16: All In All You're Just Another Ring in the War,
#17: Let's Take a Moment to Look At...,
#18: Fight the Empire!,
#19: Who Is the Mightiest Thor?,
#20: Country Road, Take Me Home,
Season 5 Outtakes, Part 2
Season 6:
#1: The Asteroid G Awards 2023,
#2: We Battle for Sparta!,
#3: An Investigative Reporter of Some Repute,
#4: Frankenstein Saves the Universe,
#5: His Red Right Hand,
#6: Big Mistake,
#7: Mind Over Materia,
#8: Take It to the Max,
#9: Dinosaur Fever,
#10: The Ballad of Bowser,
#11: Link, Come and Find Me,
#12: Feeling Marvelous,
#13: The Wizarding World of Reboots,
#14: Make Me Scream, Make Me Laugh,
#15: No Longer Fit to Print,
#16: The Shape in the Night,
#17: Will the Next 007 Please Stand Up?,
#18: Who Wears the Mask?,
#19: Back Through Hyrule Once More,
#20: Your Friend to the End,
#21: Titanic Disasters,
#22: The Thrill of the Kill,
#23: The Wonder of the Mushroom Kingdom,
#24: Who's Behind the Mask,
#25: Second Verse, Better Than the First,
#26: He Sees You When You're Sleeping,
#27: Toys to Life,
#28: Shambling Towards You,
#29: Ruining a Universe,
#30: Street Racing Spies,
#31: Tiny Merciless Monsters,
#32: The Stories We Didn't Need,
#33: Son of the Dragon,
#34: The Spoopy Season,
#35: It Came from the Dark Tower,
#36: Battle Beyond the Stars (Trek)
Season 7:
#1: Pigskin Showdown 2024,
#2: It's be Prepared,
#3: Old, But Not Out,
#4: The Streaming Proposition,
#5: Now I Have Some Paint Cans,
#6: Just Add More Aliens,
#7: Shouldn't You Know?,
Mini #07-01: A Run for the Border,
#8: Legacies Never Die,
#9: Now You're Playing with Power,
#10: The OJ Power Hour,
Mini #07-02: The Apes Await,
#11: It's That Girl,
#12: From the Future Beyond,
#13: Men (and Woman) in Tights,
#14: Take the Sequel Pill,
#15: Traveling in Mode 7,
#16: Tokyo is Trembling,
#17: The Clown Prince,
#18: Monochromatic Mastery,
Mini #07-03: Bring Out Your Claws,
#19: True Crime, No Punishment,
#20: Living the High Life,
#21: Election Aftermath,
#22: Singing Bye, Bye, Bye
Season 8:
#1: Pigskin Showdown 2025,
#2: The Thing Escapes,
#3: Stuck in the Borderlands,
#4: Nintendo Directly to You,
Mini #08-01: Surprising Bowl,
#5: The Man in the Mirrors,
#6: It's Sega Time,
#7: The Romulus to Your Remus,
#8: The Falcon and the Big Red Rage,
#9: Probably the Final Mission