Blog Blog... Grrr...

Darkmoon's Rants #70

Life has its ups and downs. Best I can say, and decent start for a rant I guess. I still hate my job, although I'm working on rectifying that. Here's hoping.

See, there are a couple of thing at my job that sucks. For starters, apparently people in the general population haven't read my rants, because they still don't tip well. Basic rule people, if you get food at a restaurant, 15 percent minimum as long as the server doesn't fuck up horribly. And by fucking up, I don't mean the food comes out improperly cooked, or that it's takes a long time for it to come out at all. That's not their fault. If the food is bad, complain to a manager, but don't take it out on your server.

I get people that come in, get 30 bucks worth of food, and leave me 2 bucks. That barely covers what I have to pay out to everyone else that works at the restaurant. I have to tip to the hosts and the bar staff, remember, 3 percent of all the food I sell. So if you buy 100 bucks worth of food and leave me a fiver, I see jack of that. With my less than minimum wage pay, that equals to me nearly paying for the right to serve you. Grrr.

I mean seriously, if you don't have the money on you to tip decently, don't bother going out for food at all. Waste of the server's time. And if you are going out, at least 15%, but 18-20 is nicer, since then the server gets the full 15.

My managers suck also. The General Manager I swear is what would happen if Tim Curry and Donkey Kong had a love child. He looks vaguely like Tim, growls a lot, throws his arms in the air, and occasionally throws barrels at the staff. To say he's an ineffectual manager does not do him justice.

So I need a better job. I debate staying on at my job for a couple of nights a week. Keep the gig around for quick money in my pocket (nothing like getting paid every day). But really, I want a job with steady pay and normal hours. None of this go in at 10 in the morning, don't leave til 10 at night shit. I'm tired of it.

Feels good to vent it out here, but dammit, you guys are better off not reading my petty gripes, unless they are in a cohesive rant and sound very un-blog-like. Course, I could get a live journal (or actually use the dead journal I once registered) but that would leave me with just one more page I'd feel compelled to update. Yeah, no dice.

Ah well, hope you aren't too bored by this. Hopefully, better rants next time.