Gaming Mags Suck

Darkmoon's Rants #18

Gaming magazines are evil. And that includes websites as well. I really wish that I didn't have to rely upon them for good information...

Well, okay, it's not like I get great information out of them really. With almost every site or magazine, their primary goal is to make money. They are going to, in general, write stuff that appeals to the lowest common denominator, and especially write stuff that sells.

It's a business, sure. But dammit, can't it be like a Green Party business. A business run by the underdog, looking to get it straight and hit hard.

Bleh, I guess all this stems from Nintendo Power. Years ago, I used to get NP. I was blind to it's propaganda early on, cause I usually bought into the whole "Nintendo Rawks" theory of life. But after a while, it dawned on me that what I was getting was the magazine Nintendo wanted me to read, with information Nintendo wanted printed.

Hell, any magazine that can write a review of the N64 Superman game and call it good must be evil.

Suffice it to say that I don't get NP anymore. I actually don't get gaming mags at all anymore, cause I can find out all the info I want, a whole lot faster, Online.

I do hit a couple of sites, and sometimes I read a fair review. But it does strike me from time to time that the people reading these things have to get paid. So reviews just seem way to kind to games I really hate. And some games I love score way low. It's a dog eat dog business apparently, and dammit if my dogs don't always win.

That analogy was really messed up. How about, the games that do the best are the ones the companies pend the most money to promote. That sounds better.

Anyway, yeah, there you go with that.