Hero Taylor, having escaped Ape City, finds a colony of humans living beneath the surface of the planet. But these humans have their own nasty intentions that could spell an end for the planet... of the apes!
Using Taylor's ship (somehow, but don't worry about it), Cornelius and Zira manage to travel back in time, becoming the only two intelligent apes in a world of man.
Last surviving smart ape, Cesar (child of Cornelius and Zira), discovers the dangers of the real world when he's forced to live (as a subservient ape) among man... and the leads a rebellion against the oppressors.
In a future of this altered timeline, Ape and Man work together to try and stop civilization from deteriorating and causeing the cataclism that brought about the bad future we original saw. But not all humans, or apes, are on board with this plan.
Two lesser known attempts at reviving the Ape franchise, these TV shows are more interesting as curiosities than as things you'd actually want to watch.
Eventually, Fox tried to fully revive the franchise with a new film to launch a new series. Then they mucked it all up by giving the reins to Tim Burton who made the most lackluster film in the franchise.
A new decade and a new attempt to revive the franchise, but this one is actually really good. Shifting away from all the old continuity, this movie posits a world where the intelligent apes, lead by Ceasar, rise up due to scientific experimentation (and not apes from space).
Due to a plague, humanity is mostly wiped out. Just a few small pockets remain while the Apes slowly begin to trive. But when the two sides meet, the potential clash could spell the end of both species.
Humanity is on the brink leading an insane warlord to launch a last ditch attack on the Ape city. Today is the day for a war for the planet... of the apes!