0 ---------------- Nothing here. 1 ---------------- LIGHT;WARRIORS..;Just as in;Lukahn's prophecy. Garland has kidnapped the Princess.;Please help her!! 2 ---------------- SHIP 3 ---------------- The Princess always worries about you. 4 ---------------- No one touches my Princess!! LIGHT;WARRIORS?? You impertinent fools. I,;Garland, will;knock you all down!! 5 ---------------- So, you are the LIGHT;WARRIORS! Thank you. 6 ---------------- This LUTE;has been passed down from;Queen to;Princess for;2000 years.;Garland stole it when he kidnapped me. Please accept it as my gift, it just might come in handy. 7 ---------------- Now,;get ready for your trip, and make the ORBS shine again. 8 ---------------- Aye,;I am;Bikke the Pirate, and surprised I am that you scurvy dogs have the nerve to face me. Mates! Get those landlubbers! 9 ---------------- Okay, you;got me. Take my SHIP. A ---------------- I;won't be any more bother.;I promise. B ---------------- For five years the Prince has slept under;Astos' spell. Only HERB can wake him! C ---------------- Oh, this HERB will release the Prince from Astos' curse.;Look! He is waking.. D ---------------- Thank you. Peace will;return to ElfLand. E ---------------- Is this a dream?.. Are you, the LIGHT;WARRIORS?.. Is this for;real?.. So, as legend says, I;give you the mystic KEY. F ---------------- I;feel fine now. Thank you. 10 ---------------- z....z.... 11 ---------------- Astos double-crossed us. Go south, to the Cave of Marsh, to retrieve the CROWN.;Then, bring it directly back to me! 12 ---------------- tis I, Astos, all along!! I'll take that CROWN and you'll pry the from my cold dead hands! 13 ---------------- A;rock blocks construction of my canal. If;I only had TNT. 14 ---------------- Oh, wonderful! Nice work!;Yes, yes indeed, this TNT is just what I;need to finish my canal.;Now;excuse me while I;get to work! 15 ---------------- For the LIGHT WARRIORS;I will make a truly legendary sword. However, my supply of ADAMANT is exhausted. 16 ---------------- ADAMANT!! Now;let me make the sword for you.. Here, the best work;I've ever done. It is my gift. 17 ---------------- Where is my CRYSTAL? I;can't see anything without it..;Who stole my;CRYSTAL? 18 ---------------- WARRIORS. Revive the Power of the ORBS! 19 ---------------- The Prince needs HERB? I'll trade the most powerful HERB to get my CRYSTAL back.. Oh!;I can see!! 1A ---------------- You have no more business here.;Go!! 1B ---------------- Everybody knows me. What?!;You've never heard of;Dr.;Unne? 1C ---------------- A;SLAB!! This SLAB will lead us to solve the riddle of the Lefeinish!! Now, listen to me.. 1D ---------------- All living things were born to die. No one can defeat me, the Vampire!! 1E ---------------- Use this ROD behind the Vampire's room.;Hiding deep;inside you will find the cause of the earth's rot. 1F ---------------- I;am;BAHAMUT,;King of the Dragons.;Bring me proof of your courage, to;receive the honor due true Warriors. 20 ---------------- The TAIL of a;rat proves your courage.;I shall give you the honor due true Warriors. 21 ---------------- The four ORBS;now cover the black;ORB.. To take a step forward is to go back;2000 years in time. 22 ---------------- The black;ORB glitters ominously.. But nothing happens. 23 ---------------- That pirate trapped me in the BOTTLE. I;will draw;OXYALE from the bottom of the spring for you. 24 ---------------- Thank you for saving me. Remember!;OXYALE will give you air. 25 ---------------- I;made a submarine to save the mermaids.;But, to;go deep;enough it will;require OXYALE. 26 ---------------- WARRIORS, you;have OXYALE.;The mermaids wait, please help them! 27 ---------------- Take this CUBE.;With it, you can transfer to the FLOATING;CASTLE. 28 ---------------- Please.. 29 ---------------- No one passes this road. 2A ---------------- If you want pass,;give me the;RUBY.. Crunch, crunch, crunch, mmm, it tastes so sweet. Rubies are my favorite. 2B ---------------- Great job;vanquishing the Earth;FIEND.;Now, the Fire FIEND wakes. With this CANOE;go to the VOLCANO, and defeat that FIEND also! 2C ---------------- 400 years ago, we lost control of the Wind. 200 years later we lost the Water, then Earth, and Fire followed.;The Powers that bind this world are gone. 2D ---------------- Possession of the CROWN is;required to test your courage.;Take it to the royal throne, and bring back proof of your courage.;GOOD;LUCK! 2E ---------------- Remember;me,;Garland? Your puny lot thought it had defeated me.;But, the Four FIENDS sent me back;2000 years into the past. 2F ---------------- From;here I sent the Four FIENDS to the future.;The FIENDS will send me back to here, and the Time-Loop will go on. 30 ---------------- After;2000 years,;I will be forgotten, and the Time-Loop will close.;I will live forever, and you shall;meet doom!! 31 ---------------- The King is looking for the LIGHT;WARRIORS.;You do;not happen to be them do you? 32 ---------------- Yes Sir!! I;belong to the Honor Guard of;Castle Coneria. 33 ---------------- Please! Save the Princess! 34 ---------------- Thank you for;rescuing the Princess. 35 ---------------- Legend says that the LUTE can break the evil gate. 36 ---------------- Garland used to be a good knight until.. 37 ---------------- In sadness, the Queen locked herself inside. 38 ---------------- The Princess was looking for you! 39 ---------------- So, you are the LIGHT;WARRIORS? 3A ---------------- Here, take this 3B ---------------- I;am;Jane,;Queen of Coneria.;Please save my daughter,;Princess Sara. 3C ---------------- Thank you for saving Princess Sara. 3D ---------------- Oh..;My sister.. 3E ---------------- My sister is back safe! Thank you. 3F ---------------- Reports say that Garland holds the Princess in a Temple to the northwest. 40 ---------------- Use that KEY.;Inside what you find will be quite helpful. 41 ---------------- 400 years ago the Treasury was locked by the mystic;KEY.;Our ancestors gave the KEY to the Prince of;ElfLand for safekeeping. 42 ---------------- This treasure room is locked with the mystical KEY. 43 ---------------- The King is sure that someday the LIGHT WARRIORS will come to save the Princess, just as in;Lukahn's prophecy. 44 ---------------- Lukahn left this town, to;join;his colleagues at;Crescent;Lake. 45 ---------------- As;legend foretold, once again the ORBS shine!! Quickly, to fulfill the legend, take them to the Temple north of here, and stand in the center. 46 ---------------- Go to the King. 47 ---------------- I;am;Arylon, the Dancer! 48 ---------------- This is;Coneria, the dream city. 49 ---------------- North of Coneria lives a;witch;named Matoya. 4A ---------------- Matoya;has poor eyesight.;She needs the CRYSTAL to see. 4B ---------------- My home is Pravoka, a beautiful port city far east of;here. 4C ---------------- Kee..Kee.. 4D ---------------- Help!;The FIEND's curse turned us into bats. With the ORBS shining anew, once again we can speak! 4E ---------------- The Four FIENDS power is;rooted 2000 years ago.;The real enemy is in that time. 4F ---------------- When the 4;ORBS cover the black;ORB;in the center of the palace, the Time Gate can open. 50 ---------------- You must travel back;in time 2000 years.;Now, with the ORBS shining, stand in the Time Gate. 51 ---------------- We are the five lost SKY;WARRIORS.;400 years ago we battled against the cause of the world's destruction. 52 ---------------- Thank you.;We don't need to be afraid of pirates anymore. 53 ---------------- I;have escaped from Melmond,;in the west. My town is in trouble. Please help them!! 54 ---------------- The Elves live across the sea.;Matoya's HERB is the only thing that will wake their Prince. 55 ---------------- This town has been invaded by pirates. 56 ---------------- Ships can stop only at ports.;There are no ports in the north. 57 ---------------- Help! 58 ---------------- There are many dangerous monsters in the sea. Be careful! 59 ---------------- Astos put the Prince to sleep. Please!;Save him! 5A ---------------- The Prince is awake! Thank you so much. 5B ---------------- The Cave of;Dwarf is at the west end of the Aldi Sea. 5C ---------------- Without warning,;Astos attacked our castle.;Our Prince was laid under a curse, and our treasury ransacked. 5D ---------------- It is said there is a witch who has HERBS. I;believe that her name is.. Matoya! 5E ---------------- Is that it?;The HERB to save the Prince? 5F ---------------- The Prince keeps the mystic;KEY;until the coming of the LIGHT;WARRIORS. 60 ---------------- Maybe it's only rumour, but,;I think the cause of all problems is to be found in the cave of Marsh. 61 ---------------- Save our Prince! 62 ---------------- Our Prince was to become the King of ElfLand. 63 ---------------- Long ago I wandered to the Northwest.;I found an ancient castle that was so spooky,;I;left immediately. 64 ---------------- Astos has been defeated? Peace will;now;return to ElfLand. 65 ---------------- Astos wears a disguise, and lurks in seclusion. 66 ---------------- The Prince must wake soon,;or the power of the Dark;Elf will dominate! 67 ---------------- Legend says an;AIRSHIP is buried somewhere. 68 ---------------- Swords and armors made of silver are very powerful. 69 ---------------- I;can see a;cave above the crescent.. To the north of the volcano, there you will find the FLOATER. 6A ---------------- In the desert south of the crescent, something is;emerging from below the sand.. Use the FLOATER! 6B ---------------- The Prince must wake soon,;or the Dark;Elf will dominate! 6C ---------------- I'm looking for the FLOATER.;I'll bet with it;I could float anything. 6D ---------------- Old Nerrick is a;very respectable Dwarf. 6E ---------------- That sound? Nerrick is digging a canal. 6F ---------------- Dwarves can see in the dark! 70 ---------------- Did you;meet Smith, our blacksmith? 71 ---------------- With the CRYSTAL,;even the blind can see. Astos stole it from Matoya. 72 ---------------- The earth is rotting slowly from the west.. 73 ---------------- The earth is reviving! Thanks to you, LIGHT;WARRIORS! 74 ---------------- The @B..bracelet can protect you, like armor. 75 ---------------- Oh, did you see that canal?;Old Nerrick truly is;great indeed. 76 ---------------- Long ago,;Coneria's Treasury safeguarded the use of;TNT. 77 ---------------- Hurray!! 78 ---------------- ....TCELES;B;HSUP A;magic spell? 79 ---------------- The Vampire of the Earth Cave is stealing the Power of the earth. We;need your help. 7A ---------------- Melmond was once a beautiful town. 7B ---------------- The Titan who lives in the tunnel eats gems. He loves RUBIES. 7C ---------------- The Vampire is gone, but the earth continues to rot.;What causes this? 7D ---------------- I'm a farmer. 7E ---------------- The Earth;Cave is on the peninsula southwest of this town. 7F ---------------- Look!;The Earth;ORB is shining again. 80 ---------------- This town was invaded by the Vampire.;The Clinic was destroyed and the town was cursed. 81 ---------------- Are you the LIGHT;WARRIORS? 82 ---------------- Pass through the Titan's Tunnel, then south to find Sarda, the Sage. 83 ---------------- The Vampire is gone, but the earth still;rots?.. 84 ---------------- In the northern world, there once was a prosperous civilization, but now it is ruins. 85 ---------------- If the ORB of Earth begins to shine again, the earth shall;revive. 86 ---------------- LIGHT;WARRIORS.. Thanks to you, the earth is beginning to revive.. 87 ---------------- They say the ancient people used a stone to make their ship float. 88 ---------------- OH!;An AIRSHIP! The fables are true, it really exists!! 89 ---------------- Sarda does not fear the evils of the cave. 8A ---------------- Well, well.. You have become fine Warriors. 8B ---------------- I;am;Jim.;My home is the Dwarf Village, but I am here investigating. 8C ---------------- We, the Twelve Sages, were lead here by the stars and prophecy. 8D ---------------- Once the ORBS shined with the power of Earth, Wind,;Fire, and Water. The four FIENDS seized those Powers. 8E ---------------- Earth,;Wind,;Fire, and Water.. The world is bound by these four Powers. 8F ---------------- Each;element's power focuses at its Altar. Locate, and crush the Fiend.;Then to make it shine, place the ORB on the Altar it guarded! 90 ---------------- Four FIENDS are bent on the world's destruction. 200 years ago, the FIEND of;Wind teamed with that of the Water to destroy civilization. 91 ---------------- The Earth;FIEND causes the rot of;our land. 92 ---------------- The Fire FIEND will burn everything up! 93 ---------------- As you;restore light to the ORBS, we will;reveal more secrets, please see us;repeatedly. 94 ---------------- LIGHT;WARRIORS, only you can make the ORBS shine again!! 95 ---------------- Quickly, before all is burnt, hurry to Gurgu Volcano and stop the FIEND of Fire. 96 ---------------- The Temple of;FIENDS is in the center of the Four Altars.;The time has come to destroy the source of;evil. 97 ---------------- With the four ORBS shining again the Time Gate can be broken.;The true enemy is 2000 years in the past. 98 ---------------- The world was suddenly thrown into disorder. You must restore it. 99 ---------------- Time is repeating. In;order to break the Time-Loop you must eliminate the enemy who controls from;2000 years in the past. 9A ---------------- Someone travelled 2000 years to the past.;The four FIENDS were sent forward in time.;Those FIENDS threaten to destroy the world today. 9B ---------------- I;see now. Someone who travelled back;2000 years is the cause of the world's destruction.;After;2000 years he will travel back again.. Then again..Then again.. 9C ---------------- Time will;repeat itself every 2000 years. Break the Time-Loop! 9D ---------------- In the Temple of;FIENDS are the remaining;SKY WARRIORS.;They fought the FIENDS and are now bats! 9E ---------------- We must use force only for just purposes. 9F ---------------- For ten years I probed for the FLOATER.;CANOE north, to the Ice Cave. A0 ---------------- I;am;Lukahn. Now all;legends and prophecy will be fulfilled.;Our path has been decided. A1 ---------------- LIGHT;WARRIORS, you can do it! A2 ---------------- My brother;Dr.;Unne has studied Lefeinish, the language of the SKY WARRIORS.;If he had the SLAB, he could teach it. A3 ---------------- Soar to my brother;Unne with the SLAB! A4 ---------------- Have you found OXYALE? A5 ---------------- You have legs! A6 ---------------- My;legs are beautiful! It's so nice to;have legs. A7 ---------------- Underhill, the Caravan Master,;had something very strange.. A8 ---------------- Until 200 years ago the Mermaids lived in the Shrine.;Then,;in fire and smoke, it sank.;The Mermaids?.. A9 ---------------- Until 200 years ago, the Power of Water brought us;good fortune. AA ---------------- The power of Water!! Now,;our country will prosper like before. AB ---------------- I;saw;BAHAMUT, but, to be honored as a true warrior;I must return with proof of my courage. AC ---------------- Well, well.. I;see you;have been honored. AD ---------------- Avast ye landlubbers! Stay out of me way. AE ---------------- My father;runs the caravan.;He is having a close out sale near the oasis in the western desert. AF ---------------- Kope 'says' he saw a shining object fall. B0 ---------------- Fables say that when the shrine sank, many treasures were lost. Also, they tell of a cryptic stone plate. B1 ---------------- My;name is Kope. I;saw it north,;near the waterfall.;Believe me!;I think it was a;robot. B2 ---------------- This town used to be prosperous 200 years ago. B3 ---------------- No! That is just an unusable sample. B4 ---------------- If we cannot regain the Power of Water, we will become bubbles, then disappear. B5 ---------------- Are we;going to become bubbles? B6 ---------------- As long as the FIEND of Water lives, we.. Oh, boo hoo. B7 ---------------- You have responded to;me!! B8 ---------------- This is the Shrine's top floor.;The FIEND of Water,;KRAKEN lives on the bottom floor. B9 ---------------- I;suppose you are the legendary.. BA ---------------- Please save the sea, and make the ORB shine again! BB ---------------- Now,;order;has returned. The sea will be as it was before, beautiful. BC ---------------- My friend Darryl went to the land, then never returned.;I've often wondered what happened.. Maybe, she grew;legs and walked away? BD ---------------- Unbelievable!! You can breathe underwater?! I'm impressed! BE ---------------- To;unlock the Mirage Tower the Lefeinish used a musical tone. BF ---------------- This door is locked by the mystic;KEY. C0 ---------------- This town is Gaia.. C1 ---------------- Have you been to the city south of here?;I just cannot understand a;word spoken there. I;have wondered what language.. C2 ---------------- Legend says the SKY WARRIORS flew about, here and there, from a castle high;in the sky. C3 ---------------- I;saw a;shining object flying towards the east. C4 ---------------- Unbelievable! You are outsiders, right? How did you;get this far north? C5 ---------------- Let me see..;Yes, there was a professor that studied Lefeinish. C6 ---------------- Only a fairy can draw OXYALE from the spring. C7 ---------------- Everyone thinks the tower;in;Yahnikurm Desert is a mirage. I;wonder.. C8 ---------------- Hardy har, you are too late!;I;BOTTLED the fairy and sold her to a caravan. C9 ---------------- Legends say that the castle in the west is a place to test courage. CA ---------------- ?rewoP taerg evah;uoy oD CB ---------------- What's that broom;up to? It's talking backwards! CC ---------------- The fairy at the spring was kidnapped. CD ---------------- With this CHIME you can enter the Mirage Tower. CE ---------------- The Mirage Tower was the gateway to our home in the sky. CF ---------------- 400 years ago, we had an advanced civilization. Our interest was the universe!! D0 ---------------- Lu..pa..? Lu..pa..? D1 ---------------- We are the;Lefeinish. Only our bravest became SKY;WARRIORS.;Your AIRSHIP was theirs. D2 ---------------- The FLOATING;CASTLE.. Our ancestors lived there.;The Mirage Tower is the entrance. D3 ---------------- At the time of destruction a;legend was born..;;In 400 years, WARRIORS with;ORBS will appear to save our people;. Are you?.. D4 ---------------- We fought with;TIAMAT, but were unsuccessful. The FIEND;now;inhabits our FLOATING;CASTLE. D5 ---------------- Our last five Warriors left to find the cause of the world's decay. We;Know they live, but, as bats. D6 ---------------- We;knew that a;great power controlled the FIENDS.;Our five bravest Warriors left,;never to return. D7 ---------------- We;have passed on the legends from;generation to;generation.;But 400 years have caused our memories to fade. D8 ---------------- Oh, the LIGHT;WARRIORS!! The legend is true! D9 ---------------- Until 400 years ago we controlled the Power of the Wind.;This enabled us to suspend the castle in the air. DA ---------------- The power of Wind was taken by TIAMAT. DB ---------------- Here lies Entroper 'IMPs are safe' RIP DC ---------------- I;wonder if the robots made by our ancestors are still moving? DD ---------------- The FLOATING;CASTLE floats high;in the sky, seemingly among the stars. DE ---------------- One of;us escaped with a;CUBE.;He floated far to the west. DF ---------------- Transporter operation requires a;CUBE. E0 ---------------- Are you the master? E1 ---------------- You can look out over the world from this window. E2 ---------------- If you are brave enough, try meeting the King of the Dragons,;BAHAMUT. E3 ---------------- Unprofitable business is;not a practice of the Dragons of;Cardia. E4 ---------------- Long ago,;Dragons and humans lived and traded together. E5 ---------------- You are not afraid of me?? Then,;I am impressed! E6 ---------------- See your face upon the clean water.;How dirty! Come!;Wash your face! E7 ---------------- We are;going to the Castle of;Ordeal to the northeast.;There we will test, and bring back proof of our courage. E8 ---------------- The proof of your courage might be anything. E9 ---------------- Have you;met BAHAMUT, the Dragon King?;He honors those with courage as true warriors. EA ---------------- Only the courageous ones bring back the proof of their courage. EB ---------------- Once in the north, there were beautiful palaces and big mechanical castles. EC ---------------- This is;BAHAMUT's;room. ED ---------------- BAHAMUT;verifies the true courage of all. EE ---------------- This is a tomb. EF ---------------- This is a well.;You might think that there is something to it.. But in fact it is just an;ordinary well. F0 ---------------- In the treasure box, you found.. F1 ---------------- Can't hold F2 ---------------- The treasure box is empty! F3 ---------------- The Altar of the Earth. F4 ---------------- The Altar of the Fire. F5 ---------------- The Altar of the Water. F6 ---------------- The Altar of the Wind. F7 ---------------- At the bottom of the spring, something is flowing. F8 ---------------- TIAMAT is the FIEND of the WIND.. F9 ---------------- From this window one can see the entire world. The Four Forces are flowing together,;into the center of the Four Altars.;Into the Temple of;FIENDS. FA ---------------- The FIEND's ball cracks open..;An ominous cloud rises, and an evil shape congeals.. It is LICH, the FIEND of Earth. FB ---------------- Is it you, the tinder that defeated the FIEND of the Earth, and disturbed my sleep? I,;KARY will;now show you the force of;Fire, and you shall burn in its flames!! FC ---------------- The FIEND's ball is shattered,;evaporating all the water. Ho,;Ho,;Ho.. How foolhardy to dare challenge me,;KRAKEN the FIEND of the Water. FD ---------------- Lightning erupts from the FIEND's ball.. So, you;have come this far.. I,;TIAMAT the FIEND of the Wind will;now put an end to your adventure!! FE ---------------- What?? You can speak;Lefeinish? FF ---------------- There is a stone plate on the floor.. You sense something.. Evil?..